About us


Our background

Think-Big Has professional membership with regulatory institutions in Malawi. Experts are active members of various professional institutions.

The company has regulatory compliance with Malawi Revenue Authority (MRA) TPIN, Electrical Association of Malawi (ECAM), National Construction Industrial Council (NCIC ), Malawi Board of Engineers and Malawi Business Registration Act MBRS.

THINK-BIG TECHNOLOGIES Believes in key human resources for success implementation of projects in a team environment. The company has a tradition of capacity building and growth for its young and new graduates in various disciplines.

The number of full-time employees is growing fast over the years in the following fields: Project Management, Electricians, Engineers, Electrical & Electronics Technicians, Information Computer Technology, and Specialists drawn in other important fields.Think-Big Technologies has hired the necessary field vehicles ready for deployment to challenging rural project arrears to conduct the necessary electrical and Electronics Technologies services and appropriate interventions as required by our client


To be a leading Electrical, Electronics, Computers and Software Engineering firm, providing best Technological systems.

Mission Statement

To be a leading Electrical, Electronics, Computers and Software Engineering firm, providing best Technological systems, services and helping upcoming born engineers countrywide.

Our Mandate

As a technology firm, we are committed to spearheading digital transformation efforts across all levels of the organization. This involves integrating advanced technologies such as AI, cloud computing, Advanced electronic systems and data analytics into our operations to improve customer experiences and operational agility.


To support clients' project or contracts success and meeting needs for technical support and advanced systems implementation.

Expected Achievements

1. Innovation and Product Development
Technology firms are expected to continuously innovate and develop new products or services delivery. This includes:

Launching New Products: Successfully bringing new products to market that meet customer needs or create new market opportunities.
Enhancing Existing Products: Regularly updating and improving existing products based on user feedback and technological advancements.
Patents and Intellectual Property: Securing patents for innovative technologies or processes to protect intellectual property and enhance competitive advantage.